The English attacker pays a whopping £5,000 per month to relocate his family to Masio in Wytheshawe – just a stone’s throw from where the young striker was nurtured.
MANCHESTER UNITED’s newest hero, Marcus Rashford, has moved his mother and two siblings to a lavish £800,000 home in the city’s leafy Wytheshawe sbrb.
After brstig oto the scee last year and earning himself a bmper pay day of £25,000-a-week, the English striker, 18, grew up in that area of Manchester and was quick to offer his mm a more comfortable pad.

Marcs Rashford blows the cash by moving to an £800,000 houseCredit: Right Move
Rashford, who scored United’s last-gasp goal against Hell on Saturday, always promised his mother Melaie that he would look after her – and he has moved her and his siblings just three miles away from the house where they grew up.
While quite near to home, the scene could not be more otherworldly, transitioning from a rba mansion to a grad, gree masio – complete with six bedrooms, smptos baths, and even a saa.
There is a first-floor laundry room, a split-level master bedroom with separate dressing area, a double garage, and a huge garde area.
Marcs Rashford gave Manchester United the lead in the 92nd minute against Hll.Photographer: PA:Press Associatio
Rashford, on the other hand, is crretly oly retig the property from his mother and two brothers – Dae and Dwaie – for the whoppig cost of £5,000 a month.
Meanwhile, the Eglad forward is said to be building a secret £1million property in an undisclosed location as he seeks something more permanent.
Mm Melaie has always supported Marc’s career, even when he was a kid playing football with him at the neighborhood park.
Man Utd fans are sure it is not too late to hijack Declan Rice’s Arsenal career after spotting budding bomance.
The interior of the house where Marcs Rashford relocated his mm is as genuine as the exterior.Right Move is to blame.
Yet, despite his incredible ascent to stardom last season, Melaie insisted Rash would be keeping his feet on the ground – even after becoming an istat Uited ad Eglad hero, ettig o his debt for both teams.

“Of course, I’ll do my best to keep him groded,” she said.
“As a family, we’re doing a fantastic job of keeping his feet on the ground.”
“We don’t do champagne ads, as you can see I’ve just returned from shopping.”
Marcs Rashford helped Manchester United win their third Premier League game of the season.Photo credit: Reters
“But we are definitely celebrating Marc’s accomplishment.”

Meanwhile, Rashford’s previous coach at his youth club, Fletcher Moss Ragers, Dave Horrocks, confirmed Rashford’s down-to-earth attitude.
“Marcs comes from a lovely family,” he remarked. He is a fantastic kid, so hmble and so quiet and assmig.
“He isn’t a Jack-the-lad type of guy.” If he ever acts greater than he should, his brother Dwai will slap him down.”