Glass oasis: The giant uses solar panels to blow new energy into a tubular greenhouse

The Kazakh builder Aibek Almassov started building this house in 2013, but it has been put on hold until now because of a lack of money. It’s not a surprise that the new partner in the idea home is a company that makes solar panels. You can have a fully grown tree inside this eco-friendly home, which is one of the many benefits of living there. A fully grown tree that is very tall.

It is shaped like an upside-down tree house and is made of a totally clear, cylinder-shaped material that lets you see in all directions.

Plans for the house were made for 2013, but they were put on hold when the investment money didn’t come through. Thanks to money from a solar panel maker, the house is now back in good shape.

The four floors are linked by a spiral staircase that goes around the tree trunk.

Through the tree growing in the center of your living space and the glass that leads outside, you are completely connected to nature in this home.

What a great place to unwind and enjoy the scenery.

The architect wanted to offer a different lifestyle option from metropolitan living. This, in our opinion, fits the bill.

Almassov says that going up and down the stairs is like getting to different levels of understanding.

From the top floor of this glass house, you can see things from above.

Each floor of the atrium will have a glazed railing with a wooden handrail so that they don’t block the views.