Explore Mauritius – A paradise island you cannot miss

Mauritius was discovered by Arab sailors around the 9th century. However, the island was too wild so they quickly left until 1505 when the Spaniards entered the island. However, the Netherlands was the first colonial nation on the island in 1598. Next were the French and British.

One of the unique landscapes of the island is the illusion of an “undersea waterfall”. When viewed from above, underneath the clear water surface there is a flowing stream of sand and mineral mud under the sea. down creating the illusion of a giant waterfall.

Du lịch đảo Mauritius - thiên đường nhiệt đới nổi tiếng với những bãi biển  lấp lánh

With its special location on the Indian Ocean, in the past Mauritius was an ideal stopover for pirates. Now this peaceful island has become an important seaport each year welcoming thousands of ships carrying goods in transit and is a stopping point for hundreds of thousands of tourists and ships carrying tourists arriving every year. year.

What do I need to know about Mauritius? | FAQ | andBeyond

Like most people who have never set foot on this island nation, I pronounced the country’s name very… wrong. The correct name is Mauritx. Mauritius welcomed us with the golden sunshine typical of the tropics. From the plane window, I could fully see the port city of Port Louis with an area of less than 50 km2. Extremely modest compared to the capitals of many other countries.

History and nature takes centre stage in Mauritius

With a small area, Port Louis is extremely suitable for me. I can even call it one of the best small cities in the world. No need for a car, just a few walks is enough to fall in love with this small city. Throughout the city are countless architectural works that reflect the colonial periods that the island went through. Government offices have French architecture, Jummah Mosque, Saint James Church have bold British architecture, Indian Tamil temples… All of these make people who have just come here excited like they have traveled to several continents. continent in one day.

Fun with a capital C at newly launched C Mauritius