Explore Mauritius – A Paradise Island You Can’t Afford to Miss

Around the ninth century, Arab navigators made the discovery of Mauritius. They swiftly departed the island, though, because it was too untamed, and the Spaniards wouldn’t return until 1505. But in 1598, the Netherlands became the island’s first colonial power. The British and French came next.

.Du lịch đảo Mauritius - thiên đường nhiệt đới nổi tiếng với những bãi biển lấp lánh

The appearance of a “undersea waterfall” is one of the island’s distinctive landscapes. A stream of sand and mineral mud flows beneath the sea’s transparent surface when seen from above, giving the impression of a massive waterfall.

In the past, pirates found Mauritius to be a good place to layover due to its unique location on the Indian Ocean. Currently, this serene island has developed into a significant harbor that receives thousands of ships a year transporting products in transit and serves as a port of call for hundreds of thousands of tourists and ships that bring tourists.

What do I need to know about Mauritius? | FAQ | andBeyond


History and nature takes centre stage in Mauritius

What information about Mauritius do I need to know? | FAQ | andBeyond

I mispronounced the name of this island nation, much like the majority of people who have never been there. The name Mauritx is correct. With the brilliant sunshine of the tropics, Mauritius greeted us. I had a clear view of the harbor city of harbor Louis, which is less than 50 km2, from the window of the aircraft. incredibly little in comparison to the capitals of numerous other nations.

In Mauritius, history and nature are paramount.

Port Louis is ideal for me because it’s a small place. It’s among the best tiny cities in the world, if I may say so myself. It only takes a few strolls in this little city to fall in love—a car is not necessary. Numerous architectural pieces that capture the various colonial eras the island experienced may be found all across the city. French architecture can be seen in government buildings, while Jummah Mosque, Saint James Church, and Indian Tamil temples all feature striking British architecture. Those who have recently arrived here get enthusiastic by all of these as if they have seen multiple continents in a single day.

Enjoyment with a capital C at the recently opened C Mauritius