Take a look at 🐴Trojan Horse Architecture

The term “Trojan Horse Architecture” draws its inspiration from the famous Greek myth of the Trojan Horse, a massive wooden structure that concealed Greek soldiers within its hollow belly, allowing them to infiltrate the city of Troy undetected.

In the realm of computing and cybersecurity, Trojan Horse Architecture refers to a deceptive or concealed system design. In this context, it alludes to a design that appears benign or trustworthy on the surface but conceals malicious intentions or functionality.


Such architecture is often utilized by hackers and malware creators to disguise their harmful software within seemingly harmless applications or systems, with the intent to infiltrate and compromise a target’s security.

Just like the ancient myth, the Trojan Horse Architecture exemplifies the importance of vigilance in the face of seemingly innocuous entities, highlighting the need for robust security measures to prevent covert threats from gaining access to sensitive data or systems.






