Valley, designed by award-winning architect Winy Maas (MVRDV), is set out to become an iconic addition to the South Axis of Amsterdam

Valley, designed by award-winning architect Winy Maas (MVRDV), is set out to become an iconic addition to the South Axis of Amsterdam. The modern and eye-catching building is on-track to receive a BREEAM Excellent certification for its sustainability ambitions. Next to offering a public accessible park that will be designed by Piet Oudolf, Valley serves many other activities: working, living, dining, shopping, relaxing, exercising or simply seeking inspiration. At the heart of it all, Valley will boast a vibrant atrium where everyone can come together to meet and connect.

Unlike the closed-off buildings elsewhere in the Zuidas, large portions of the building are open to everyone. A publicly accessible footpath zig-zags up from the street level, leading to a green valley that winds between the towers on the fourth and fifth floors.