Nascente House in Eldorado do Sul, Brazil, designed by Stemmer Rodrigues Arquitetura
Stemmer Rodrigues Arquitetura was moved to build Casa Nascente by the family’s love of water. It is a condo on Lake Guaíba in Eldorado do Sul (RS). Building an artificial lake that improves the view of the living channel of a big artificial is the first step in making live things from artificial ones.
A young couple with two kids wanted to make their new home more like the things they love, like sports and nature. A stone walk over the lake greets people at the entrance. On the first floor, there are two lakes, a walking room over the kitchen, the entrance, and the social area. Four meters of blocks skidded in the hall connect the gym, the collections room, the office, the intimate living room, and the guest room.
The toy library on the first floor next to the porch shows that all areas are meant to be connected, even the ones kids use every day. Roberto Stemmer, an architect, said that the hardest part was “making a big house with two volumes that keeps the project’s unity at the same time.” The man-made lake surrounds the pool, edge lane, and floating channel, making it a great place for sports. The steps that lead to the three smaller rooms on the north level hide how big the suite on that level is.
Cleaning the top floor with shrimp and patinated copper protects it and makes it lighter and airier. The bedroom on this floor has a view deck on top of it. The couple’s bike shop can be reached from the simple car shelter, which is shaped like a marquee. It uses ebonized wood and coats that can be seen. Patinated copper, which is the main ingredient, gives the colors blue and green that respect water and fit with the architecture of Casa Nascente.