The beautiful Superadobe eco-resort designed by Rezvan Yarhaghi is located in Santorini, Greece

The Santorini Eco-Hotel Accommodations is a great place to stay. This group of Santorini accommodations combines traditional buildings with a parametric style in a way that looks great. Because of the warm and dry weather in Santorini, the Superadobe building was thought to be one of the best choices for this collection. 


Nader Khalili, an Iranian engineer, came up with the idea of superadobe, a way to build with earthbags. Long fabric tubes or bags filled with adobe are piled and stacked to make a compression structure.The beehive-shaped buildings that were made use vaults, corbelled arches, and corbelled domes to make strong single- and double-curved shells. In the last 20 years, the natural building and sustainability groups have become more and more interested in it.


Superadobe building has many benefits, such as being cost-effective, able to adapt to different environments, and being resistant to different environmental factors. This type of architecture also helps save energy and lessens the damage it does to the environment. Also, adobe design can help make building spaces that are more beautiful and appealing. “This collection includes 28 units with complete features, a playground, and private pools for each unit.” and also has a restaurant, a coffee shop, and other services.
