Situated in Santorini, Greece, the exquisite Superadobe eco-resort, designed by Rezvan Yarhaghi, showcases its stunning beauty

There’s nothing better than staying at the Santorini Eco-Hotel Accommodations. This collection of Santorini lodging options masterfully blends traditional architecture with a parametric approach. The Superadobe building was considered one of the better options for this collection because of Santorini’s warm and dry weather. 


Earthbag construction was made possible by the invention of superadobe, a concept by Iranian engineer Nader Khalili. To create a compression structure, long fabric tubes or bags filled with adobe are piled and stacked.Strong single- and double-curved shells are created by the employment of vaults, corbelled arches, and corbelled domes in the construction of the beehive-shaped buildings. The natural building and sustainability communities have shown increasing interest in it during the past 20 years.


Several advantages of superadobe construction include its low cost, environmental resistance, and ability to adapt to various conditions. Additionally, this kind of building reduces environmental harm and aids in energy conservation. Additionally, adobe design may aid in creating more aesthetically pleasing and stunning building areas. “There are 28 units in this collection, all fully furnished with private pools, playgrounds, and other amenities.” and offers additional services, a restaurant, and a coffee shop.