This pillar of modern architecture in Prague “danced” on the Rašínovo embankment in 1996. The project was taken from the drawings of world-famous architects Vlado Milunić and Frank O. Gehry

In 1996, this piece of modern building in Prague “danced” onto the Rašínovo Embankment. Very well-known architects Vlado Milunić and Frank O. Gehry came up with the idea for the building. 

Dancing House - Wikipedia

The idea for it came from the way the famous movie couple danced: the stone tower represents Fred Astaire and the glass tower represents Ginger Rogers, his partner. The Dancing House has an art gallery, a restaurant, and a deck with a view of Prague from all sides.

Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người, nhà chọc trời và La Sagrada Familia

Between 1992 and 1996, the Dancing House was built. The house that used to be there was destroyed when the United States bombed Prague on February 14, 1945. The land was bought by the Dutch insurance company Nationale Nederlanden in 1992. The architect Vlado Milunic’s building plan was chosen, and the famous architect and artist Frank O. Gehry was asked to work with them. 

Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người, nhà chọc trời và văn bản cho biết '" Calatrava'

Working together created a one-of-a-kind deconstructive building with plastic parts that fit in with the other buildings in the area. One of the few houses in Prague that moves into the street space in a natural way. People sometimes call the house the “Dancing House” or “Ginger and Fred.” This building got its name from the towers that look like the famous dancers Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. 

Có thể là hình ảnh về văn bản

The man in the dancing couple is shown by a rock tower, and the woman is shown by a glass tower. There are made-up hairs on top of the male tower. Frank O. Gehry wrote it. Eva Jiřičná, a British architect with Czech roots, helped create some of the rooms inside. The house now has a hotel, a gallery, and a high-end restaurant with a terrace and a lovely view. The American magazine Time gave the building its prestigious award; it won in the fashion category in 1996.